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These Lights - Ha'nayrot Ha'lalu

Read or sing this after you light the menorah. Some homes begin singing after lighting the first candle and continue while all are being lit. Others begin singing after all the candles for that day have been lit. Both ways are fine.


These lights we kindle because of the miracles, the wonders, the salvations and the battles that You performed for our forefathers in those days, at this very time, through your holy Kohanim. For all eight days of Hanukah - these lights - they are holy; and we are not permitted to use them: Rather, only to look at them, in order to express gratitude and praise to Your great name; for Your miracles, Your wonders and Your salvations.


Ha'nayrot Ha'lalu a'nu madlikin al ha'nisim v'al-ha'niflaot, v'al-ha'tshuot v'al-ha'milchamot, she'asiyta la-avoteinu ba-yamim ha-haim ba-zman ha-zeh, al y'day kohanecha ha-k'doshim. V'kol shmonas y'may chanukah ha-nayrot ha-lalu kodesh haim, v'ayn lanu reshut l'hishtamesh ba-hem ayla lirotam bilvad, k'day l'hodot u'l'hallel l'shimcha ha-gadol al neisecha v'al nif'lotecha v'al yishuatecha.


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