requested the family of Pharaoh to intercede for him with
the king for the additional reason that he was desirous of
enlisting the favor of the king's relations, lest they advise
Pharaoh not to fulfil his wish. He acted according to the
maxim, "Seek to win over the accuser, that he cause thee
no annoyance."[413]

Joseph applied first to the queen's hairdresser, and she
influenced the queen to favor him, and then the queen put
in a good word for him with the king.[414] At first Pharaoh
refused the permission craved by Joseph, who, however,
urged him to consider the solemn oath he had given his
dying father, to bury him in Canaan. Pharaoh desired him
to seek absolution from the oath. But Joseph rejoined,
"Then will I apply also for absolution from the oath I gave

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