you, if ye will walk in the ways of chastity and purity in
patience and humility of heart, the Lord will dwell among
you, for He loveth a chaste life, and if you, my children,
will observe the commandments of the Lord, He will raise
you up here, in this world, and bless you there, in the world
to come. If men seek to do evil unto you, pray for them,
and you will be delivered from all evil by the Lord. On
account of my forbearing patience I received the daughter
of my master to wife, and her dowry was a hundred talents
of gold, and God gave me also beauty like the beauty of a
flower, more than all the children of Jacob, and He preserved
me unto mine old age in vigor and beauty, for in all
things did I resemble Jacob."

Joseph continued and told them the visions he had

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