him. If you see one that hath more good fortune than
you, do not grieve, but pray for him, that his happiness may
be perfect, and if one of the wicked even should grow rich in
substance, like Esau, my father's brother, do not envy him.
Wait for the end of the Lord.

"This also tell unto your children, that they shall honor
Judah and Levi, for from them the Lord will cause a savior
to arise unto Israel. For I know that in the end your children
will fall off from God, and they will take part in all
wickedness, malice, and corruptness, before the Lord."

After Gad had rested a little while, he spake again, "My
children, hearken unto your father, and bury me with my
fathers." Then he drew up his feet, and slept in peace.

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