amid war whoops, they prepared to enter into a combat with
the sons of Jacob. Then Simon rose up, and with bared
sword he sprang upon the Midianites, at the same time
uttering a cry that made the earth reverberate. The Midianites
fell down in great consternation, and he said: "I am
Simon, the son of the Hebrew Jacob, who destroyed the city
of Shechem alone and unaided, and together with my brethren
I destroyed the cities of the Amorites. God do so and
more also, if it be not true that all the Midianites, your
brethren, united with all the Canaanite kings to fight with
me, cannot hold out against me. Now restore the boy you
took from us, else will I give your flesh unto the fowls of
the air and to the beasts of the field."

The Midianites were greatly afraid of Simon, and, terrified

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